Monday, December 6, 2010

New USA map in favor of Navy

In last week a shocking news about US Navy decision leaked out that because of huge weaponry deals and military cooperation, to satisfy Arabian countries the name of Persian Gulf despite of historical fact, border lines and amount of offshore islands, Navy ordered all fleets and oversea’s brigades not to use original name.
Interesting to see how political struggles between US and Islamic republic affect peoples, and their cultural and national pride, furthermore it’s unacceptable to bear these kind of behavior, it’s true money talks but for brokers are any dealers not for state department or navy a legal executive force of country which is claimant of world so called leadership and the role model for bill of rights all over the world.
Again it’s true that USA lose its benefit in Iran but do we believe in just benefits or we must respect principles, president Obama announced that us opened its punch towards Iran and is ready to greet, but what we have seen is totally different.
In past centuries western countries used to loot natural resources of other countries and today not only they keep their style but they break new grounds in cultural and historical stealing as well.
For just a minute pose as an Iranian and look at the sea (shore) that you grew up beside, you and your friends learned how to swim against the tide, your ancestors fought for through thousands of years , to keep it safe and secure, is an inseparable part of your identification, you define your culture and nationality by it and when you look at the horizon when the sun is setting you remember your fisherman father that generous sea borrowed and never gave back, it is heart wrenching to believe great countries like USA forget all about their slogans of human prosperity and rights and for a bag of dollars from Arabian countries (which none of their creation years date back to 19th century) misinterpret the history and counterfeit fake names and roots
For those who say bull**** again look at the picture above to remember not always bad things happen to bad! People.  

See shameful order here

And see shining and historical, political maps (drawn by western countries in almost six hundred years ago) and proofs of the original and true roots of Persian Gulf  here
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Unknown said...


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