Monday, November 1, 2010

You have to see these unseen pictures

There is difference between people who inspire than people who are being inspired, one of the bravest ones, who wanted to make a difference was Rachel Corrie  but look what was happened to her, 

For years we used to hear allegations which claimed that Israeli regime is defending itself against terrorists, one of terrorist who was committing attack is showing below, the same fate as Rachel happens to him;

At least Israeli soldiers are brave enough to admonish those terrorists;

But who can prevent brave men and women not to stand against monstrous cruelly reactions taken by IDF, and who dares to defend a regime which claimed to be the most democratic regime in mid east, and is killing innocent children at the same time, so hats off for those who won't keep quite.    

Before you pass any judgment, I have to say anti Semitism is wrong and gruesome, we respect Jews and believe me any denunciation on them is totally untrue, but the real ones who must to blame and must prosecute are those Zionist hardliners who took advantages of Jews and their suffering through history and particularly Nazis massacre  of innocent Jews during WWII. And it is shameful to see some people can go on to do some things (cold blooded murder) that once were done to them.
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